2014 IHRC Archives Grants in Aid Program at University of Minnesota in USA
The Immigration History Research Center Archives (IHRCA) offers Grants In Aid awards of up to $500 to assist graduate students, independent and other scholars traveling to conduct research for at least one week (five research days) at the IHRC Archives. The deadline for applications for 2014-2015 awards is June 1, 2014.
Post-doctoral scholars are also eligible to apply for additional funding for a maximum award of $1,000. The post-doctoral Grant In Aid supports a two-week residency (ten research days) while conducting research in the collections. Those applying for the post-doctoral Grant In Aid must clearly indicate their qualifications for the award in a letter of application. The deadline for post-doctoral Grants in Aid also is June 1, 2014.
Prior to submitting an application, applicants should consult the IHRC/A website (http://ihrc.umn.edu/) to learn about collections and holdings, and confirm material availability and relevance to proposed projects with IHRC collections staff (ihrc@umn.edu). Researchers receiving a grant in aid award will be required to acknowledge the IHRC and receipt of the award in any resulting publication.
The IHRC/A is an internationally known migration studies center with expansive archives documenting immigration to the United States, from the latter 19th century to current refugee migrations. Key areas of coverage include European and Near Eastern immigrants (1880-1930) and 20th-century refugees, such as Displaced Persons after World War II and Southeast Asian, African, and other forced migrations. The IHRC Archives has exceptional collections of fraternal organization records, personal files, and immigrant and refugee assistance organization materials, as well as ethnic print collections.
Grant in Aid Awards are intended to help defray expenses of visiting graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, faculty and independent scholars from the U.S. and abroad, who travel from locations outside of the Twin Cities to conduct research in the IHRCA’s collections. Awards are available through the generosity of donors to the IHRCA’s ethnic and general funds, as well as the director’s research fund. Awards are made on a competitive basis and for research specific to the IHRCA’s collections. IHRCA holdings to be consulted must be indicated in the application.
Availability & Terms of Award
Awards for 2014-2015 are available for travel to the IHRCA for research in any IHRCA collection and must be used between August 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015. In planning a visit, note that the Immigration History Research Center Archvies will be closed the last week of December. Awards may be made for up to $500 to assist with travel and research-related expenses associated with a research residency at the IHRCA of not less than one week (5 research days). Post-doctoral scholars may seek and be awarded an additional amount of up to $500 (to total a maximum award of up to $1,000) to assist with travel and research-related expenses associated with a research residency at the IHRCA of not less than two weeks (10 research days). Applications requesting less than $500 (or $1,000) will receive equal consideration.
Who May Apply?
Graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, faculty, and independent scholars, in the U.S. or internationally, who live more than a day’s drive from the Twin Cities and who need to do research in the IHRCA collections.
Selection Criteria
- Demonstrated connection between research needs and specific collections at the IHRCA
- Language proficiency (for projects requiring sources in languages other than English)
- Preference for newer scholars (and graduate students), international scholars, and the use of the following collections: Czech/Slovak, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Polish, and Refugee-Related Materials.
Application Materials
- Application letter of no more than two pages with estimated dates of residency, description of research project and collections to be consulted, and estimated budget. If applying for a post-doctoral award of up to $1,000, state intention and include qualifications.
- Current curriculum vitae
- Names and contact information (including email) for two references
Deadline for Submission
June 1 for research travel in upcoming fiscal year August 1 – June 31
Send application materials to ihrc@umn.edu, Attn: Grant in Aid Committee OR to the following postal address
IHRC Grant in Aid Committee
Immigration History Research Center Archives
University of Minnesota 311 Andersen Library
222 – 21st Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455