2014 South Africa PhD & Fellowships at French Institute


2014 South Africa PhD & Fellowships at French Institute

2014 South Africa PhD & Fellowships at French Institute

One or two PhD or Fellowship position are vacant at the French Institute of South Africa. IFAS is a French Research Institute Overseas (IFRE) under the supervision of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the CNRS, covering Southern Africa (UMIFRE 25, USR 3336).

These posts are financed through non-renewable (save for exceptional reasons) relocation allowances (Aides à la Mobilité) for a maximum of nine months. Successful applicants will receive the scientific and logistic support of IFAS and will become involved in the scientific life of the Institute by regularly taking part in the ongoing activities (conferences, seminars, conferences, publications, etc.

The relocation allowance comes to €1 200 net per month and, in addition, includes one Paris/Johannesburg/Paris trip which will be refunded on the basis of the price of an economic class air ticket, and medical cover.

Nationality will not be a condition for application. Applicants will be selected on the basis of scientific criteria only, although the integration potential of the project into the academic landscape of Southern Africa will be taken into consideration. Priority will be given to applicants whose research is in line with the research programmes of the Institute:

Note: IFAS has a regional mandate covering ten countries in Southern Africa (South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana and Namibia) All projects touching on these countries are therefore welcome.

1. Archaeology, history and memory

Archeology and multidisciplinary studies of Middle and Late Stone Age, rock art

Early modern and modern history of Southern Africa, integration of Southern Africa in Atlantic and Indian oceans circulations, history of knowledge, sciences and techniques

Current issues of memory in Southern Africa, historical régimes

2. Democratic transformations and urban dynamics

Democratic mutations in Southern Africa, electoral dynamics, citizenship and its transformation, identity policies, education, language policy, nation-building processes

Geography and urban studies, historical development of Southern African cities, governance, access to public services, adoption of “best practice” models, migration, xenophobia, spatial justice, right to the city, city memory
3. Resources

Comparative Development Economics, economic policy, sector-focused studies, Formal/informal labour

Sustainable development, environmental justice


List of documents to enclose in the application

1 A short introduction letter from the applicant;
2 A CV
3 The application form filled in electronically
4 A detailed description of the research project not exceeding 10 pages and containing the scientific project, a research agenda and institutional partnerships;
5 Two reference letters from academics addressed to IFAS Director, Adrien Delmas

Selection process of applications:

Please, send the application by email with a single pdf document attached, containing all the enclosures (including the form and the reference letters) to IFAS Director at comm.research@ifas.org.za

The original of the two reference letters has to be send by snail mail to

Afrique du Sud, Ambassade de France, IFAS-Recherche
À l’ intention d’Adrien Delmas
MAEE, Sous-direction du Courrier, de la Valise diplomatique et des Transports,
13 rue Louveau, 92438 Chatillon Cedex

Responses will be sent to applicants by e-mail after the validation of Research Advisory Committee during the first semester of 2014.

NB: non-selected candidates will be targeted to the call for projects in southern Africa for the year 2014. It is therefore unnecessary to compose two applications.

Download the application form (in French and in English): Appel à candidatures

Deadline for applications for PhD & Fellowship : 11 December 2013

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
