Fully Funded Deutsches Museum Scholar in Residence Program 2023

The Scholar in Residence Program 2023 at the Deutsches Museum is a fully funded scholarship designed for international students pursuing postdoctoral or pre-doctoral research. Successful applicants of this program will receive a generous stipend of €30,000 per year.

The Deutsches Museum Scholar-in-Residence Program is open to international students seeking an opportunity to work on science and technology projects at the renowned Deutsches Museum in Germany. The program offers a flexible duration of six to twelve months, allowing scholars to immerse themselves in interdisciplinary research. Participants will be provided with a dedicated workspace equipped with a desktop computer and telephone, along with the opportunity to reside temporarily in subsidized flats within the museum complex.

Scholarship Summary:

  • Level of Study: Postdoctoral / Pre-doctoral research
  • Institution(s): Deutsches Museum
  • Study in: Munich, Germany
  • Opportunity Focus Areas: Applicants are encouraged to utilize the collections of the Deutsches Museum and collaborate closely with museum staff while developing their research proposals. Projects that incorporate innovative approaches to artifact-oriented research are highly desired.
  • Program Period: 6 or 12 Months
  • Deadline: October 15, 2023

Scholarship Coverage:

The Deutsches Museum Scholar-in-Residence Program offers the following benefits to its recipients:

  • Pre-doctoral stipend: € 15,000 for a full year.
  • Post-doctoral stipend: € 30,000 for a full year.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the Deutsches Museum Scholar-in-Residence Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Required Language: German / English
  • Eligible Countries: All countries worldwide
  • The applicant must hold at least one university degree (Master or PhD).
  • Proficiency in reading German is a prerequisite for the application (passive language skills).
  • Applicants are responsible for arranging their own health insurance coverage.

How to Apply:

To apply for the Deutsches Museum Scholar-in-Residence Program, please follow these application instructions:

  1. Prepare the following documents:
    • Completed application form.
    • Curriculum vitae.
    • Project description (3 to 5 pages).
    • Two confidential references (referees can send them directly).
  2. Submit the documents and completed application to the following address:

    Andrea Walther Coordinator of the Research Institute Deutsches Museum 80306 Munich Tel.: 00 49 (0) 89 2179-280 Fax: 00 49 (0) 89 2179-239 E-Mail: a.walther@deutsches-museum.de

Application Deadline:

The last date for this application is October 15, 2023

Apply Now


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