Fully Funded Chulalongkorn University Scholarships 2024

The Chulalongkorn University Scholarships for the academic year 2023-2024 are fully funded scholarships available for international students. These scholarships are specifically offered for master’s and Ph.D. programs. Successful applicants will have their tuition fees covered entirely, in addition to receiving a monthly stipend of 16,000 Baht. Accommodation will also be provided.

Chulalongkorn University has taken an active role in fostering collaborative relationships with the international community, aiming to enhance academic cooperation between Thailand and foreign countries. To support this objective, the university has established the “Graduate Scholarship Program for ASEAN or Non-ASEAN Countries.” This program offers financial assistance to international students who intend to pursue their graduate studies at Chulalongkorn University.

Additionally, eligible individuals can also apply for the Chevening Scholarship, which provides various benefits such as university tuition fees, a monthly living allowance, a round-trip economy class airfare to the UK, and additional grants and allowances.

Please note the following conditions:

  1. The scholarship cannot be extended beyond its designated term.
  2. Once the scholarship has been granted by the University, recipients are not permitted to defer the period of accepting the scholarship.
  3. During the scholarship term, recipients are not allowed to engage in any off-campus employment in Thailand.

Scholarship Summary:

  • Level of Study: Masters, PhD
  • Institution(s): Chulalongkorn University
  • Study in: Thailand
  • Program Period: 2 years for Masters Degree, 3 years for Doctoral Degree.

Opportunity Focused Areas:

  • Architectural Design
  • Business Administration
  • Business Administration (Flexible MBA)
  • Business Administration (SCE)
  • Business and Managerial Economics (MABE)
  • Business Law, Clinical Sciences
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT)
  • Cultural Management (MACM), Engineering Management (CUSE)
  • English as an International Language (EIL)
  • Environment, Development, and Sustainability (EDS)
  • Esthetic Restorative and Implant Dentistry
  • European Studies (MAEUS)
  • Finance (MSF)
  • Financial Engineering (MFE)
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Georesources and Petroleum Engineering
  • Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care
  • Governance (MAG)
  • Hazardous Substance and Environmental Management (IP-HSM)
  • Health Development
  • Health Economics and Health Care Management (MS Health)
  • Human Resource Management (Diploma Degree) (HRM)
  • Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Information Studies, International Business Management (MM)
  • International Development Studies (MAIDS)
  • International Economics and Finance (MAIEF)
  • Korean Studies
  • Labour Economics and Human Resource Management (MAHR)
  • Medical Sciences, Microbiology and Microbial Technology
  • Operative Dentistry
  • Oral Biology
  • Petrochemical Technology
  • Petroleum and Energy Technology
  • Petroleum Geoscience
  • Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Polymer Science
  • Public
  • Public Health Sciences
  • Social and Administrative
  • Southeast Asian Studies
  • Strategic Communication Management
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
  • Thai Studies
  • Urban strategies and Veterinary Science and Technology

Scholarship Coverage:

The Bangkok Government Scholarships offer recipients the following advantages:

  • Tuition fees coverage (excluding fees/special fees charged by the faculty or specific program chosen by the students; prior arrangement between the students and the faculty/program is required).
  • Monthly stipend of 16,000 Baht.
  • Accommodation provided.
  • Reimbursement of airfare for each leg, with a maximum limit of 20,000 Baht for students from African countries and 12,000 Baht for students from Asian countries. (Students are responsible for purchasing their own tickets, and the reimbursement will be provided upon their arrival at Chulalongkorn University.)

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for Chulalongkorn University Scholarships, applicants must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: All world countries
  • Note: Students from ASEAN or Non-ASEAN countries who have already studied in any program at Chulalongkorn University for more than one semester are not eligible for the scholarship.
  • Applicants must have achieved a grade point average of no lower than 2.75 for their undergraduate studies and no lower than 3.25 for their graduate studies.
  • A minimum TOEFL score of 500 or 173 (computer-based) and an IELTS score of 5.0 are required.
  • The applicant must not be over 35 years of age.
  • Preference will be given to faculty members, researchers, and academic staff members who intend to return to their home universities to teach or work after completing their studies at Chulalongkorn University.

How to Apply:

To avail this scholarship, please follow the steps below:

  1. Select the international program from the provided options.
  2. Complete the application form by filling in the required details.
  3. Send the completed application form and all relevant documents directly to the faculty/program of your choice before the deadline specified by the university’s office of academic affairs.
  4. Applicants need to undergo a screening and selection process conducted by the faculty/program of their choice. Only after this process, the selected candidates’ names will be forwarded to the office of academic affairs at Chulalongkorn University.
  5. All necessary application documents, which have been reviewed and approved by the faculty/program, must be submitted to the office of academic affairs before the specified deadline.
  6. The list of successful applicants will be announced on the academic.chula.ac.th website.

Documents Required:

To apply for the scholarship, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements and submit the necessary documents:

  • Completed Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a relevant field related to the applied field. A degree certificate should be included with the application.
  • Official academic transcript issued by the applicant’s most recent educational institution. This transcript should be submitted along with the application.
  • Completed application form with a 1-inch photograph attached.
  • CV/Resume providing information about the applicant’s educational background and work experience.
  • Valid passport.
  • Two recommendation letters from the head, director, or dean of the applicant’s affiliated institution or from their superiors.
  • Medical report: A certificate confirming a physical examination conducted at a hospital in the applicant’s home country.

Application Deadline:

Click here to view the program specific deadline.

Apply Now


Scholarships Awarding countries

Scholarship in USA
Scholarship in USA
Scholarship in Canada
Scholarship in Canada
Scholarship in UK
Scholarship in UK
Scholarship in China
Scholarship in China
Scholarship in Sweden
Scholarship in Sweden
Scholarship in UAE
Scholarship in UAE
Scholarship in Australia
Scholarship in Australia
Scholarship in Thailand
Scholarship in Thailand
Scholarship in Saudi Arabia
Scholarship in Saudi Arabia
Scholarship in Japan
Scholarship in Japan
Scholarship in Hungary
Scholarship in Hungary
Scholarship in New-Zealand
Scholarship in New-Zealand

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