Fully Funded Romania Government Scholarships 2024

The Romania Government Scholarships for the academic year 2024-2025 are comprehensive funding opportunities designed for international students. These scholarships are open to individuals pursuing undergraduate, master’s, and PhD degrees. Recipients of these Romanian Government scholarships will have their complete tuition fees covered, along with accommodation expenses, and they will also receive a monthly stipend of up to 80 EURO.

Annually, the Romanian Government, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, extends a range of scholarships to non-European Union (EU) country residents. Eligibility is restricted to candidates who have demonstrated strong academic performance, with a minimum average grade of 7 (seven) in their final years of education, as per Romania’s grading system, or an equivalent “Good” grade.

Applicants have the liberty to choose their preferred study programs across various fields, with the exception of Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Pharmacy. For Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, programs are exclusively offered in Romanian, as a means to foster Romanian language and culture. Nevertheless, at the PhD level, candidates can also select programs taught in English or another foreign language as stipulated by the doctoral school. For those not proficient in Romanian, a preparatory year in the language is provided prior to commencing their chosen study program. The application process mandates submission of required documents such as diplomas, transcripts, birth certificates, passports, and a comprehensive CV, all of which are outlined in the application guidelines.

Scholarship Summary:

  • Study Levels: Undergraduate, Masters, PhD
  • Institutions: Romanian Universities
  • Location: Study in Romania
  • Focus Areas:
    • Architecture
    • Visual Arts
    • Romanian Culture and Civilization
    • Journalism
    • Political and Administrative Sciences
    • Engineering
    • Education Sciences
    • Social and Human Sciences
    • Technical Studies
    • Oil and Gas
    • Agricultural Sciences
    • Veterinary Medicine
  • Exclusions: Scholarships not applicable to fields of Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Pharmacy
  • Program Durations:
    • Undergraduate: 3-6 Years
    • Master’s: 1.5-2 Years
    • Doctorate: 3-4 Years

Scholarship Coverage:

The Romania Government Scholarships offer recipients the following advantages:

  • Coverage of tuition fees.
  • Support for accommodation expenses within university dormitories, funded from the Ministry of Education’s budget, subject to the allocated subsidy (accommodation provided based on availability).
  • Provision of a monthly financial stipend in Romanian currency (“lei”):
    • 65 EURO equivalent for undergraduate and preparatory year students.
    • 75 EURO equivalent for master’s students.
    • 85 EURO equivalent for PhD students.
  • Note that the scholarships do not encompass international travel expenses or domestic travel costs from the Romanian border crossing point to the university. Candidates should be prepared to personally finance these additional expenses.

Eligibility Criteria:

In order to be eligible for the Romania Government Scholarships, candidates are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Eligible Countries: International students from non-EU countries, with the following exceptions:
    • Individuals of Romanian descent or belonging to Romanian historical communities near Romania (entitled to distinct scholarship programs).
    • Citizens who have sought or been granted any form of protection in Romania.
    • Stateless individuals whose presence in Romania is officially recognized by law.
    • Members of diplomatic and consular corps, as well as their family members accredited to Romania.
    • Administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions and consular offices accredited to Romania.
    • Staff members of international organizations based in Romania, along with their family members.
    • Those already benefiting from a scholarship from the Romanian government for the same level of study.
  • Submission of Study Documents: Provide authentic study documents issued by recognized and accredited educational institutions in the country of origin.
  • Enrolment Deadline: Adhere to the stipulated enrollment deadline.
  • Academic Performance: Demonstrate commendable academic performance, including an average score of at least 7 (seven) for the final years of the most recently completed educational institution, corresponding to Romania’s scoring system, or its equivalent “Good” grade.
  • Application Submission: Follow the prescribed application submission procedure.
  • Age Limit: Not exceed 35 years of age for Bachelor’s and Master’s studies, and 45 years for Doctoral or postgraduate studies.

Language of Study:

With the intention of advancing Romanian language and culture, recipients of the scholarships provided by the Romanian government for undergraduate and master’s studies are exclusively instructed in the Romanian language. Nevertheless, an exception applies to doctoral scholarship awardees who possess the choice to pursue their studies either in Romanian or in a foreign language designated by the respective doctoral school. For candidates lacking proficiency in Romanian, a preparatory year is granted to learn the language before commencing their university studies. This exception, however, does not extend to doctoral scholarship beneficiaries who have selected the foreign language mode of instruction specified by the doctoral school.

Certain categories of individuals are exempted from enrolling in the Romanian language preparatory year:

  • Those presenting Romanian educational documents such as diplomas or certificates, or educational records attesting to a minimum of four consecutive years of studies conducted in Romanian within a Romanian national educational institution.
  • Individuals who, for the purpose of university enrollment, successfully pass the Romanian language proficiency examination as per prevailing regulations.
  • Individuals who, for the purpose of university enrollment, submit a Romanian language proficiency certificate attesting to a minimum B1 level, in accordance with the prevailing regulations.

How to Apply:

To apply for this scholarship opportunity, please adhere to the subsequent application guidelines:

(1) Thoroughly complete all sections of the online application form.

(2) Upload the subsequent documents:

  • Copies of earned diplomas (e.g., baccalaureate diploma or its equivalent, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral degree if applicable) and their officially translated versions into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.
  • Copies of academic transcripts from completed studies, along with their officially translated versions into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.
  • Copy of your birth certificate (or equivalent document) and its officially translated version into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.
  • Copy of the first three pages of your passport or national identity document, and its officially translated version into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.
  • Curriculum Vitae in English or French, following the prescribed format. Additionally, for doctoral applicants, include a letter of intent in English, French, Spanish, or Romanian.

(3) For candidates falling within specific categories, the application should also include the subsequent documents:

  • Copy of evidence for name change if applicable, and its officially translated version into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.
  • Copy of the certificate confirming completion of the baccalaureate, bachelor’s, or master’s examination, as relevant. This applies to graduates who have yet to receive their diploma, with an officially translated version into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.
  • Copy of the certificate demonstrating that individuals in their final year of studies are scheduled to undertake the graduation exam at the conclusion of the school/university year, with an officially translated version into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.
  • Copy of the transcript indicating the academic progress of individuals in their final year of studies up to the point of submitting the application, with an officially translated version into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.
  • Copy of the certificate for the completion of the Romanian language preparatory year or the certificate of linguistic proficiency if applicable.
  • Copy of the notarized declaration of parental consent, if applicable, for candidates who have not yet reached 18 years of age by the commencement date of the courses. This document should be officially translated into English, French, Spanish, or Romanian if applicable.

Kindly ensure that the documents are individually scanned in PDF format subsequent to their original versions.

Application Deadline: As of March 1, 2023 (PRESENTLY CLOSED. Application submissions will resume in December).

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