Gates Cambridge Scholarship UK 2024-2025: Fully Funded Opportunities for International and Domestic Students

Gates Cambridge Scholarship UK 2024-2025 Fully Funded Opportunities for International and Domestic Students

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship for the academic year 2024-2025 is now accepting applications from both International and Domestic Students. This prestigious scholarship, provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, fully funds Master’s, Ph.D., and Diploma programs across various subjects at the University of Cambridge. The application deadline is January 5, 2024.

Established in October 2000 with a remarkable $210 million donation, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship is the result of the largest-ever single contribution to a UK university. Since its inception, over 2,000 scholarships have been awarded to individuals from more than 100 countries. The first group of scholars embarked on their academic journeys in October 2001.

Each year, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship offers around 80 fully-funded opportunities to outstanding candidates from countries outside the United Kingdom. These scholarships support postgraduate studies in any field available at the University of Cambridge. Notably, about two-thirds of the scholarships are granted to Ph.D. students. The application process includes two rounds: approximately 25 scholarships are allocated in the U.S. application round, and 55 in the International round.

Selection criteria for these scholarships are rigorous and consider factors such as exceptional intellectual capabilities, a well-defined rationale for the chosen course of study, a strong commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others, and demonstrated leadership potential. If you aspire to pursue advanced studies at one of the world’s most prestigious universities, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship is an opportunity worth exploring.

Cambridge consistently welcomes around 250 Scholars from approximately 50 diverse countries. These Scholars, representing a broad spectrum of academic disciplines offered by the University, become integral parts of its various departments and Colleges. Simultaneously, they form a distinctive and tightly-knit community of their own.

Moreover, a global network comprising over 1,700 Gates Cambridge Alumni is dispersed worldwide. This community shares a common purpose aligned with the Gates Cambridge program’s mission: to establish a worldwide network of future leaders committed to improving the well-being of others. This mission is actively pursued by identifying exceptional scholars, providing them with comprehensive support—both financial and non-financial—at one of the world’s premier educational institutions, and nurturing community connections within and beyond the University of Cambridge.

Academic Levels Covered:

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship UK for the academic year 2024 – 2025 (Fully Funded Scholarships) offers opportunities for individuals to pursue Master’s, Ph.D., and Diploma level programs at the University of Cambridge.

Excluded Subjects:

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship does not consider applications for the following courses:

  1. Any Undergraduate degree, including BA (undergraduate) or BA affiliated (a second BA).
  2. Business Doctorate (BusD).
  3. Master of Business (MBA).
  4. Master of Finance (MFin).
  5. MASt courses.
  6. PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education).
  7. MBBChir Clinical Studies.
  8. MD Doctor of Medicine degree (6 years, part-time, Home students only).
  9. Graduate Course in Medicine (A101).
  10. Part-time degrees other than the Ph.D.
  11. Non-degree courses.

Applicants should note that these specific courses are not eligible for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits:

Funding: The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is a comprehensive financial support package that covers the entire cost of studying at Cambridge, including additional discretionary funding.

Core Components:

  • The University Composition Fee at the applicable rate.
  • A maintenance allowance for a single student (£20,000 for 12 months at the 2023-24 rate; pro-rata for courses shorter than 12 months), lasting up to 4 years for Ph.D. scholars.
  • Economy single airfare at the commencement and conclusion of the course.
  • Inbound visa costs and the Immigration Health Surcharge.

Note: The University Composition Fee varies for different student categories; specific amounts are detailed in the Graduate Studies prospectus. If a student receives a fee award from public authorities (e.g., UKRI), the Trust may not cover their fee or may share the fee and maintenance costs.

Discretionary Components: The Trust also considers applications for various discretionary funding types:

  • Academic development funding ranging from £500 to £2,000, depending on the course duration, to attend conferences and courses.
  • Dependent Children Allowance, up to £11,604 for one child and up to £16,548 for two or more children (2023-24 rate), with no funding for a partner.
  • Fieldwork funding: Scholars may apply to maintain their normal maintenance allowance during fieldwork as part of their Ph.D.
  • Maternity/Paternity funding: If needed, scholars can apply to pause their studies for up to 6 months, continuing to receive the maintenance allowance during this period.
  • Hardship funding for unforeseen scholar difficulties.

Salary or Other Scholarship: If a scholar is receiving a salary from an employer or has another substantial scholarship, the Trust reserves the right to reduce or not pay the standard maintenance allowance. It is crucial to inform the Trust promptly if any funding is awarded toward the Cambridge degree.

What is Not Covered: While the Scholarship comprehensively covers most costs, it does not include bench fees or the expenses for scientific equipment or similar academic resources. The Trust expects academic departments at Cambridge to cover these core course costs.

Eligible Nationalities:

This scholarship warmly welcomes applications from both domestic and international students, embracing individuals from all nationalities.

Eligibility Criteria:

Who Can Apply?

You are eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you:

  1. Are a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom.
  2. Are applying to pursue one of the following courses at the University of Cambridge:
    • PhD (full-time or part-time*)
    • MLitt (full-time)
    • One-year postgraduate course (full-time), with some exceptions (see below).

    *For October 2024 entry, Gates Cambridge is piloting a scheme allowing applicants to seek funding for a part-time doctoral degree.

Current Student at Cambridge?

If you are currently enrolled at Cambridge and aspire to apply for a new postgraduate course, you can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. For instance, if you are presently pursuing an MPhil, you can seek a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to pursue a PhD. Current Gates Cambridge Scholars are also eligible to apply for a second scholarship if they are applying for a new degree. All current Cambridge students will be considered in the second, international round. However, if you have already commenced a course (e.g., in the middle of a PhD), you cannot apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to fund the remainder of it.

General Funding at Cambridge

Whether or not you meet the criteria for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, you might still be eligible for other funding opportunities provided by the University of Cambridge. Visit for more details.

Application Deadlines:

  • For US citizens: October 11, 2023.
  • For other eligible Applicants: December 5, 2023, or January 4, 2024.

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