NN Future Matters Scholarship:
With this NN Future Matters scholarship and coaching programme, NN aims to help you engage in your own professional development. You will be matched with an NN mentor who will coach you throughout your studies. Priority is to build the economic capabilities of today’s young people. We take this social responsibility very seriously, and are pleased to offer young people who need support access to our means and expertise.
Participating Universities
The 8 Dutch universities below are participating in the NN Future Matters scholarship programme:
- Erasmus University
- Maastricht University
- Radboud University Nijmegen
- Tilburg University
- University of Amsterdam
- University of Twente
- Utrecht University
- VU Amsterdam
Degree level:
Masters degree.
Programmes offered by these universities in the field of Finance, Risk management, Economics, Data science, Entrepreneurship or IT are eligible.
Scholarship Award:
The scholarship consists of an amount of € 5,000 (except for students from Turkey and Japan) and a mentorship. You will receive € 4,500 in two instalments of € 2,250 each during the academic year and € 500 at the end of your studies.
Eligible Countries:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain or Turkey.
Eligibility Criteria:
- You are a first-generation academic, i.e. your parents or guardians don’t have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent).
- You meet the specific admission requirements of the institution of your choice.
- Preferably, you have not yet studied or worked abroad.
- When applying for a 2 year master programme, please note that your application for the scholarship is valid for the first year. You can apply for a scholarship for the second year of the master, if you have been granted a scholarship for the first year.
Application Procedure Instructions:
You need to submit your application online via our online application system (Delta):
- Collect all required information and documents before starting with your online application. It is not possible to save your application and continue at a later stage. You need to finish the application in one go.
- Your application can be rejected, if it is not complete or if the documents don’t match the requirements.
- Submit one application. If you consider more than 2 study programmes, please name them in the remarks field of your application. If you submit more than one application, only the most recently submitted application will be taken into consideration. The others will be cancelled.
- If you have any questions please email at nnfuturematters@nuffic.nl.
Apply Now
Application Deadline:
01 April 2021