Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program​ at University of Toronto 2021

Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program​ at University of Toronto 2021

Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The University of Toronto Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program provides funding to Graduate Faculties to increase opportunities for hiring postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups, specifically Indigenous and Black researchers. These fellowships will enable postdoctoral researchers to grow their scholarly profiles, undertake academic work at the University of Toronto, and strengthen the research environment at the University with diverse perspectives.

This funding is designed to help the University compete with peer institutions for top-tier candidates, and to support the University in meeting its institutional goal of fostering increased diversity and representation at all levels of teaching, learning and research. Nominees must be nominated by their prospective Faculties/divisions following the timeline and processes outlined below. While the nomination/application process will normally begin with faculty advisors/mentors, funding for the successful nominees will be provided to their respective Faculty Research Office for administration.


Univeristy of Toronto

Degree level:


Subject Areas:

Applied Science and Engineering, Architecture, Arts and Science, Physical Education, Music, Medicine, Pharmacy, Public health, Social Work

Fellowship Benefits:

Funding will be available to engage seven postdoctoral fellows per year for up to twenty-one postdoctoral fellows over the three year program.

Each award will provide $70,000 per year to Faculties to support up to two years of postdoctoral salary and benefits. This level of funding exceeds the median postdoctoral salary at the University of Toronto, and is in keeping with Canada’s most prestigious postdoctoral awards. The Fellowship may be used to fund both the postdoctoral fellow’s gross salary and employer costs (10% Standard Benefit Rate, and $50/month postdoctoral levy), or only the gross salary, in which case, the faculty/unit/department would be responsible for covering the additional employer costs. Units/departments have the option, and are encouraged, to augment the salary support from a variety of sources, including operating budget, faculty advisor funds such as research grants, other awards, etc. Successful postdoctoral fellows will also receive a start-up (salary) fund of $5,000 per year, funded through the Faculty Research Office or faculty advisor.


All Nationalities.

Eligibility Criteria:

Nominees must:

  • Demonstrate academic excellence and high potential for success in their chosen fields;
  • Identify as Indigenous and/or Black;
  • Have obtained a doctoral degree, at the time the fellowship commences and normally within the last five years from the start of the fellowship; and
  • Not have held a Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship previously.

Recipients must:

  • Begin the fellowship by December 31, 2021;
  • Be a postdoctoral employee of the University of Toronto;
  • Be associated with a supervisor appointed to a graduate unit;
  • Register and remain registered with the Postdoctoral Office at SGS;
  • Not hold concurrently another major fellowship;
  • Not hold a faculty position or be on leave from such a position;
  • Establish an IDP (Independent Development Plan), and submit to SGS within the first three months of the fellowship. The IDP should be reviewed annually and the revised copy sent to the Postdoctoral Office at SGS; and
  • Submit proof of completion of degree no later than three months after the fellowship commences if they had not fulfilled all requirements for their degree at the time of nomination.

Application Procedure:

Applicants must be nominated by their Faculty (e.g., Faculty of Arts and Science) to SGS. Faculty Research Offices are asked to establish and communicate their internal application deadline and selection process before forwarding nominations to the School of Graduate Studies.

Potential nominees interested in the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program should contact the nominating supervisor. ​ Supervisors wishing to support a candidate’s application must contact their graduate unit/department Chair and affiliated Faculty Research Office to inquire about the Faculty’s internal deadline and nomination process. Please refer to the Faculty Research Office contact information table below.

Faculty Research Offices are invited to submit a ranked nomination list and a nomination package for each nominee to the School of Graduate Studies at by the SGS deadline.

Application Deadline:

March 1st 2021 – March 15 2021


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