Argelander Scholarships for doctoral candidates at University of Bonn Germany 2021

Argelander Scholarships for doctoral candidates at University of Bonn Germany 2021

Argelander Scholarships:

The aim is to provide funding for doctoral candidates from countries in the Global South in order to promote scientific exchange with partners, particularly in regions that have been relatively marginalized in terms of scientific production. In order to promote international cooperation in the priority regions indicated in the partnership strategy, the University of Bonn is especially calling on doctoral candidates from Africa, South America and Asia to participate. The funding is for a period of at least 3 and not more than 12 months.This funding line is intended to intensify collaborations between scientists in Bonn and their partners in the above- mentioned regions, and expand such collaborations with respect to the promotion of early-career researchers. When the application is submitted, a formal or informal cooperation agreement should already exist between the home institute of the doctoral candidate and the host institute in Bonn. The host researchers in Bonn act as applicants.


The University of Bonn, Germany

Degree Level:


Scholarship Funding:

The funding can cover the following:

  • A travel allowance (depending on country of origin)
  • A scholarship of € 1,500 per month (additional funds for accompanying family members: up to € 300 for a spouse and € 250 per child)
  • A research expense allowance of up to € 300 per month that can be submitted to the International Office after the scholarship has been awarded. Information on applying for the allowance will be provided with your scholarship award.

Scholarship does not include Insurance benefits.
The funding is for a period of at least 3 and not more than 12 months. When calculating costs, please note the instructions in the financing plan (and use the following Excel table, download here).


Candidates from Africa, South America and Asia.

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates pursuing a doctoral degree at a university or a research institute in Africa, Latin America or Asia will be preferred. Doctoral candidates who are already pursuing their Ph.D. at the University of Bonn are not eligible for funding. Recipients of funding should finish their doctorates at their home university (to avoid brain drain).

Application Procedure:

  • The quality of the research project to be pursued as part of the doctoral studies during the candidate’s stay in Bonn.
  • The intensity of the existing cooperation or its potential for future growth between the applicant and the home institution of the doctoral candidate.
  • The integration of the doctoral candidate into an existing research environment in Bonn (e.g. integration into a BIGS work group, etc.; use of a workplace, etc)
  • An effective supervision blueprint under the cooperation agreement.

What does the application include

  • Online form
  • Project description (PDF of max. 8 pages), consisting of
    • An outline of the research project to be worked on during the person’s stay in Bon
    • Reasons for the host to invite the doctoral candidate
    • An outline of how the doctoral candidate will be integrated at the host institute (place of work, participation in the institute’s teaching and research activities),
    • and an outline of how the project will be supervised in Bonn.
  • CV and motivational letter of the doctoral candidate (PDF).
  • A financing plan (please use the following Excel table, download here)

Apply Now

Application Deadline:

May 31, 2021


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