How to Apply for Chevening Scholarship ?

Please follow the following instructions to apply for Chevening Scholarship:

  1. Choose your country from here, then choose Chevening Scholarship.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Fill your profile with your personal information, save the data and validate your profile, then start your application.
  4. Complete the quiz to assure your eligibility for the Scholarship.
  5. Fill the application with the required data and prepare the following documents:
    • Completed education documents.
    • English language qualification.
    • Conditional offers for proposed courses of study (up to three).
    • Unconditional offers for proposed courses of study (up to three) (You must upload at least one unconditional offer by July).
    • References (If you are invited to interview you will be invited to upload two references).
    • Passport / ID document.
  6. Submit the application.


To know more about Chevening Scholarships, please visit the official website:

Official Website