Friedrich Ebert Foundation Fully Funded Scholarship 2023-24

International students looking to pursue higher education in Germany can now apply for the Fully Funded Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship 2023-24. The scholarship covers Diploma, Undergraduate Programs, Master’s Degrees, and Ph.D. Programs in subjects like Architecture, Social Sciences, and Management. The scholarship is open to applicants from all over the world, including the Global South, post-Soviet republics, and EU nations.

Eligible applicants must have excellent academic records and a strong commitment to social democratic values. Successful candidates must uphold and demonstrate democratic values and receive a scholarship to study in Germany. The program offers 40 scholarships annually, allowing students to work with diverse cultural, socioeconomic, and political groups while being guided by German expert teams.

The scholarship program aims to foster a multicultural community dedicated to advancing knowledge in various fields. Young people are encouraged to participate to make Germany a global professional skills driver. By participating in the program, students can broaden their horizons and gain valuable insights into different perspectives and ways of thinking. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship program helps achieve the foundation’s goal of attracting international students and engaging them in various activities.

Scholarship Summary:

  • The Friedrich Ebert Foundation offers scholarships for diplomas, Undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. Programs.
  • The scholarship award is Fully Funded.
  • The organization offering the scholarship is the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
  • The number of scholarships available is 40.
  • The scholarship program is hosted in Germany.

Scholarship Coverage:

  1. There is no tuition.
  2. 830 euros per month for bachelor’s, diploma, master’s, and state examination programs; 850 euros per month for master’s programs.
  3. It makes providing candidates with health insurance easier.
  4. A family allowance of EUR 276 will be given to students who have children.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the scholarship, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Enrolled in a German higher education program that is approved by the government.
  • Have a strong academic record.
  • Proficient in the German language.
  • Be driven, trustworthy, and responsible individuals.
  • Politically and socially active.
  • Demonstrate genuine belief in democratic values.

Documents Required:

When submitting an online application for the scholarship, candidates must provide the following documents:

  • High school diploma.
  • Copy of college transcript for master’s degree applicants.
  • Master’s transcript for Ph.D. program applicants.
  • Passport.
  • Short Resume/CV.
  • A motivational letter or Statement of purpose.
  • Study plan.
  • Recommendation letters.
  • Health certificate.

How to Apply:

When submitting an application for the scholarship, applicants must follow these guidelines:

  • Submit applications online through the organization’s website.
  • Carefully select the program you are applying for.
  • Select your nation of origin carefully.
  • Provide detailed personal information, including your name, residence, birth date, and country.
  • Complete all required fields for each level.
  • Take great care to fill out the application accurately and thoroughly.

Application Deadline:

The application last date to apply Online for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship 2023-24 in Germany is 30 November 2023.


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