CEGA Non-Resident Fellowship UK & USA 2021

Center for Effective Global Action Non-Resident Fellowship:

The CEGA Non-Resident Fellowship seeks to equip early career African social scientists with the skills needed to carry out rigorous evaluations of economic development programs. Selected researchers will have a chance to remotely audit courses at Berkeley or other universities, develop skills in impact evaluation, and have access to a personalized mentorship program to develop their research ideas. Each fellow will work along with a faculty mentor affiliated with the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), a research center based at UC Berkeley.  CEGA staff and PhD students will provide additional mentorship during the fellowship.


Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA)


A list of CEGA faculty affiliates is available online here

Focus Area:

Impact evaluation of development programs through capacity building, evidence generation and policy outreach in areas of:

  • Economics
  • Public Health and Psychology
  • Political Science


African Nationals

Fellowship Award & Details:

CEGA Non-Resident Fellows will work remotely for 12 weeks, at about 15-20 hours per week. Fellows will receive a stipend to support their internet data costs and their time spent on the fellowship. CEGA Non-Resident Fellows will be considered a member of the East Africa Social Science Translation Collaborative (EASST) network. They will also be invited to join the Network of Impact Evaluation Researchers in Africa (NIERA), an association of African scholars.

The CEGA Non-Resident Fellowship complements CEGA’s in-person Visiting Fellowships under CEGA’s EASST Collaborative and Development Impact West Africa (DIWA), and non-resident fellows will benefit from engaging with EASST and DIWA in-person fellows throughout the 12 weeks and beyond. The CEGA Non-Resident Fellowship may serve as either a precursor or alternative to the EASST and DIWA in-person fellowships.


To be eligible, researchers must be East or West African nationals, who hold a staff or student position at a research institution, university, or other organization headquartered in Africa and have completed a Master’s degree within the last 10 years in economics, statistics, epidemiology/public health, or another social science discipline.

Application Procedure: 

Please carefully review the full-length RFA before preparing your submission package. Submit your application here before the deadline:


Application Deadline:

June 21, 2021 at 5:00 PM GMT.


Scholarships Awarding countries

Scholarship in USA
Scholarship in USA
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Scholarship in Canada
Scholarship in UK
Scholarship in UK
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Scholarship in China
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Scholarship in Sweden
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Scholarship in UAE
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Scholarship in Australia
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Scholarship in Thailand
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Scholarship in Saudi Arabia
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Scholarship in Hungary
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