Edinburgh Law And Ewen Cameron International Scholarships in UK 2022

University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh Law And Ewen Cameron International Scholarships in UK 2022

Edinburgh Law And Ewen Cameron International Scholarships in UK 2022

Edinburgh Law School offers three full Ph.D. studentships, one of which is provided through a generous bequest from alumnus Ewen Cameron in his name.

These scholarships will pay tuition fees and an annual stipend in line with UKRI rates (approximately £15,700 per annum). The stipend will be paid in equal monthly installments for a maximum of three years, subject to satisfactory progress. Awards will be paid pro-rata for part-time candidates.

When making the decisions Law school will:

  • Consider the applicant’s academic achievements, research proposal, research potential, and the degree of support provided by references.
  • Not take into account factors such as financial status and nationality.

Successful applicants will be expected to firmly accept the offer when the results of the application process are announced. Candidates who already have an offer of financial sponsorship from elsewhere will not be eligible.

Applications are welcome across the full range of legal and law-related subjects.

Please note that one of these scholarships will be ring-fenced under our Athena Swan action plan to support a project that deals with questions of equality, diversity or social justice. This can include projects on families and relationships, gender and sexuality, employment, crime and justice, environment, peace, war and conflict, and human rights.
