Fully Funded METI Japanese Internship Program 2023-24 in Japan

The METI Japanese Internship Program 2023-24 in Japan is currently accepting applications. International students from around the globe are invited to apply for this internship program organized by the METI Government of Japan. If you are interested in gaining internship and residency experience in Japan, this is an opportunity you should not overlook. The program aims to recruit 200 interns from countries listed by OECD/DAC. The Summer Internship Program is scheduled to take place from mid-August to the end of September 2023.

Selected interns participating in the program will have the opportunity to work at specific Japanese companies for the entire duration of the internship. Through the inclusion of foreign experts in internships, Japan is actively promoting internationalization within its people and organizations. This initiative aims to foster knowledge creation, enabling Japanese companies to innovate and expand their businesses overseas, collaborate with foreign individuals, experience intercultural communication, establish networks, and enhance their global presence. This is facilitated through the development of an in-house system in partnership with universities, aiming to transform perspectives and ultimately attract foreign talent.

By undertaking an internship in Japan, individuals from developing countries can gain exposure to business strategies employed by Japanese companies, acquire expertise and skills from their experiences, and receive training to become global leaders. This training can empower them to potentially contribute to the growth of their own countries in collaboration with Japanese organizations.

Internship Details:

  • Offered by: Government of Japan
  • Duration: 2 Months
  • Internship coverage: Fully Funded
  • Eligible nationality: All Nationalities
  • Award country: Japan

Financial Benefits:

  • METI Japanese Internship Program 2023-24 in Japan is a Fully Funded Internship Program for International Students.
  • Insurance coverage will be provided for the entire duration of the internship.
  • Interns will have access to borrow electronic devices such as laptops, communication devices, and mobile phones.
  • Full coverage of all expenses involved in traveling to Japan will be provided.

List of Eligible Countries:

Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Armenia, Albania, Angola, Zimbabwe, Bolivia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cabo Verde, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Cameroon Argentina, Bhutan, Congo, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Belarus, Burundi, Egypt, Belize, Cambodia, El Salvador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Eswatini, Botswana, Chad, Georgia, Brazil, Comoros, Ghana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Colombia, Djibouti, Honduras, Costa Rica, Eritrea, India, Cuba, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Dominica, Gambia, Jordan, Dominican Republic, Guinea, Kenya, Ecuador, Guinea-Bissau, Kosovo, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Fiji, Kiribati, Micronesia, Gabon, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Moldova, Grenada, Lesotho, Mongolia, Guyana, Liberia, Morocco, Iran, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Iraq, Malawi, Nigeria, Jamaica, Mali, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, Lebanon, Mozambique, Philippines, Libya, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Nepal, Syrian Arab Republic, Maldives, Niger, Tajikistan, Marshall Islands, Rwanda, Tokelau, Mauritius, Sao Tome and Principe, Tunisia, Mexico, Senegal, Ukraine, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Uzbekistan, Montserrat, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Namibia, Somalia, Viet Nam, Nauru, South Sudan, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Niue, Sudan, North Macedonia, Tanzania, Palau, Timor-Leste, Panama, Togo, Paraguay, Tuvalu, Peru, Uganda, Saint Helena, Yemen, Saint Lucia, Zambia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Serbia, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant should hold citizenship in one of the aforementioned countries.
  • It is necessary to demonstrate agreement with the program’s objectives and a willingness to collaborate with Japanese businesses to foster internationalization and business development abroad, as well as establish connections with foreign universities.
  • Proficiency in Japanese (JLPT level N3 or higher) or English is required.
  • Applicants must be at least 20 years old but not exceed 40 years old by August 31, 2023.
  • Submission of a school or university enrollment or graduation certificate, along with a letter of recommendation from the respective educational institution or company, is mandatory.
  • The ability to participate in the mandatory training and engage in the internship at the designated workplace is essential.
  • Applicants should be available to attend the internship based on the schedule set by the JIP office.
  • Individuals who have already participated in this program between FY2017 and FY2022 are ineligible to apply.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline for the METI Government Of Japan Internship Program 2023-24 is as follows:

  • Summer internship: From the middle of May 2023 to the late of June 2023.
  • Winter internship: From the middle of August 2023 to the late of September 2023.

How to Apply:

  • Interested applicants are advised to fill out the online application for the METI Japanese Internship Program 2023-24 in Japan.
  • Registration is accepted online through the registration form available on the program office’s website.
  • The screening process will assess the content of the application, qualifications, internship experience, understanding of the program’s purpose, and any specific requirements or preferences of the host company.
  • Selection will be conducted through document screening, primary interviews in the local language, English, or Japanese, and secondary interviews in Japanese or English.
  • Applicants must individually submit various certification documents, letters of recommendation, photographs, and any other necessary documents related to university qualifications, language skills, and visa requirements.

Apply Now


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