Fully Funded Vienna International Postdoctoral Program 2023

The Vienna International Postdoctoral Program 2023-2024 offers fully funded scholarships to international students. The program provides postdoctoral fellows with a comprehensive package, including a yearly gross salary of 70,040 EUR, complete health insurance coverage, and supplementary financial assistance for each child, amounting to a monthly range of 110 – 170 EUR per child.

The Vienna BioCenter (VBC) offers the VIP2 program, which is a postdoctoral fellowship program spanning three years. It welcomes candidates with diverse educational backgrounds such as biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, engineering, computer science, and bioinformatics. The program follows a unique two-mentor system, where participants choose a primary research group and academic mentor based on their project’s requirements. Additionally, they receive support from a secondary mentor, who can be selected from a wide range of options including VBC research institutes, the VBC biotech sector, alumni network, and other relevant sources.

The Vienna International Postdoctoral Program selects individuals whose projects exhibit the potential to evolve into distinct research lines, thus serving as a stepping stone towards an independent career path. The program strongly encourages interdisciplinary and inter-lab collaborations.

In addition to providing an exceptional research environment, the Vienna International Postdoctoral Program offers a structured training and career development program guided by the principle of “Inform, Inspire, Innovate.”

Key features of the program include:

  • Cultivating a research culture that promotes scientific excellence and independence.
  • Facilitating effective mentoring and career planning through a two-mentor scheme.
  • Offering coaching and guidance from the VIP2 Advisory Board (VAB).
  • Providing a comprehensive training program covering both research-related and transferable skills.
  • Introducing a second ment scheme during the postdoctoral training.
  • Connecting participants with a diverse network of esteemed professionals.

Scholarship Summary:

  • Level of Study: Postdoctoral
  • Institution(s): Vienna BioCenter
  • Study in: Austria
  • Opportunity Focus Areas: Please refer to the available Postdoctoral positions for more information.
  • Program Period: Three years

Scholarship Coverage:

  • Salary: Each fellow receives a yearly gross salary of 70,040 EUR, which is paid in 14 installments. This includes 12 monthly payments along with one Christmas bonus and one holiday bonus, as per Austrian law.
  • Full health insurance coverage is provided.
  • Social security benefits include fully paid maternity leave for 16 weeks, the possibility of paid parental leave for up to 24 months, pension contributions, and accident insurance.
  • Additional support is provided for families with children through “Familienbeihilfe.” The amount ranges from 110 to 170 EUR per month per child, depending on the child’s age.
  • Tax deductions are applicable to single-income families.
  • Mechanisms are in place to assist with the relocation costs of the fellows.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the Vienna International Postdoctoral Program, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Proficiency in English is required.
  • Applicants from all countries around the world are eligible to apply.
  • Candidates must hold a PhD in life sciences or related fields such as physics, engineering, chemistry, computer science, or mathematics.
  • The proposed scientific project should align with the research conducted on campus, and applicants should indicate one or more potential host groups.
  • Interdisciplinary and inter-lab projects are strongly encouraged.
  • Candidates are advised to establish communication with their preferred mentor(s) before and during the development of their individual research projects.
  • Applicants should have at least one first-author publication or a manuscript published on bioRxiv or arXiv.
  • As per the Marie Curie Action requirements, by the call deadline (15 June), applicants should have undertaken transnational mobility. This means they should not have resided in Austria or engaged in their primary activity (work or studies) in Austria for more than 12 months within the three years immediately preceding the call deadline.

How to Apply:

To apply for the Vienna International Postdoctoral Program, please follow the provided application instructions:

  1. Click on the designated link to access the application portal.
  2. Fill in the required personal information, including your name, contact details, and current educational/employment status.
  3. Select the main scientific area from the available options at the Vienna BioCenter (VBC) and provide up to five relevant keywords.
  4. Provide the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of at least one first-author publication or manuscript.
  5. Include contact details for two referees. The system will automatically send them an email with instructions. Ensure that at least one reference letter is uploaded into the system before submitting the application.
  6. Attach the following documents:
    • Curriculum vitae (CV) detailing your education, scientific training (starting from Bachelor’s degree), honors, etc.
    • PDF copies of transcripts and certificates of training.
    • A five-page project proposal aligned with the goals of the host laboratory.
    • A one-page summary of the project written for the public, highlighting its societal impact.
    • Written proof (letter or email) from the chosen group leader indicating their support for your application.
  7. After submitting your application, if accepted, you will proceed to the next phase, which involves an on-site interview. For more details on the selection phase, refer to the provided link.

Additionally, consider applying for the DAAD Scholarship, which offers monthly payments of 850 euros for graduates or 1,200 euros for doctoral candidates.

Application Deadline:

The last date for the application is June 15, 2023

Apply Now


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