Germany: European Molecular Biology Laboratory – Corporate Partnership Programme Fellowships 2022

Germany: European Molecular Biology Laboratory – Corporate Partnership Programme Fellowships 2022

Germany: European Molecular Biology Laboratory – Corporate Partnership Programme Fellowships 2022

Training of the next generation of scientists is one of EMBL’s key missions. The EMBL Scientific Visitor Programme gives excellent young researchers access to state-of-the-art technology platforms and research laboratories at all six EMBL sites. The Programme enables visitors to carry out short- to medium-term experimental projects and to experience the collaborative scientific atmosphere of the Laboratory. Visitors receive top-quality training, logistic and organisational support before and during their stay, and access to the EMBL services.

The CPP Fellowships support in particular young visitors coming to research laboratories at all EMBL sites, offering financial support of up to 2.000 € per applicant.

Several fellowships are awarded each year to young researchers who undertake a visit to one of EMBL’s sites with an expected duration between four weeks and six months. Funding is provided for travel to EMBL and accommodation (if available, in an EMBL guesthouse; otherwise, assistance in finding housing and financial support towards rental costs are provided).

More information about the EMBL Corporate Partnership Programme.
