Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships at SAINTS@tlabs South Africa

Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships at SAINTS@tlabs South Africa

Scholarship Description:

The South African Institute for Nuclear Technology and Sciences (SAINTS) in collaboration with the iThemba LABS a national facility of the National Research Foundation invites application from suitably qualified candidates for the SAINTS@tlabs Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships.

With this call, the SAINTS is inviting outstanding students in the fields of Science and Engineering to apply for a fully-funded masters and doctoral scholarships for the 2022 academic session.


The South African Institute for Nuclear Technology and Sciences (SAINTS) / iThemba LABS

Degree level:

Doctoral and Masters degree

Scholarship Award:

Tuition Fee Waiver


South Africans

Eligibility Criteria:

To be considered for the Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships, applicants are to meet the following conditions:

  • Possess an above-average academic record, especially for the degree before the one planned to be pursued in 2022.
  • A South African citizen.
  • Must register at a South African University for Full-time studies from 2022.
  • Must be supervised/co-supervised by a staff member at iThemba LABS for studies commencing in 2022.

Application Procedure:

Interested and eligible applicants for the SAINTS@tlabs Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships 2022 are to email the following documents in one PDF file to not later than the application deadline.

  • Up to date CV
  • Copy of full academic record.
  • Copies of all degree/diploma certificates to date.
  • Letter indicating selected research project, motivation for selecting the project, choice of institution to register for studies and career goals.
  • Copy of ID document.
  • Two letter of support

and the following as separate PDF file attachments:

  • Copies of any research publications/reports authored or co-authored.
  • Copies of dissertation (MSc) or mini-dissertation [BSc(Hons)/ BSc (Eng)]

Scholarship Deadline:

31 December 2021

Apply Now | Website


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