Regional scholarships for International Students at Università Iuav di Venezia 2022

Regional scholarships for International Students at Università Iuav di Venezia 2022

Scholarship Description:

Applications are hereby invited from interested and suitably qualified students for Università Iuav di Venezia Regional scholarships commencing program for 2022 – 2023 academic session.

The Regional scholarships valid for one academic year and requested every academic year. They can cover tuition fees and include a subsistence allowance, free or discounted services, accommodation, meals at university canteens.


Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy

Study Level:

Bachelor, Master or Doctoral

Scholarship Worth and Details:

All off-site students that do not stay in one of the ESU residences are required to send a copy of their rental agreement to the financial aid office (

According to the student’s status, there are 3 different maximum amounts, paid in 2 instalments:

  • On site students: € 2.481,75
  • Commuter students: € 3.598,51
  • Off-site students: € 6.157,74

International students included in the “off-site students” category (when rental agreement submitted) except in the case their parents reside in Italy. 


Domestic & International Students

Eligibility Criteria:

For Università Iuav di Venezia Regional scholarships, applicants should meet the following conditions:

  • ISEE amounting to less than € 24.335,11 and ISPE amounting to less than € 52.902,43 (ISPE is included in ISEE).
  • Enrolled in one of Iuav study programmes.
  • To comply with the regional scholarship requirements, students need to obtain at least 20 university credits by 30thNovember 2023 otherwise the whole amount returned.
  • Do not benefit from other Italian or international scholarships/grants.
  • Comply with the conditions to obtain a visa for Italy (non-EU students who not enrolled yet).
  • Meet the merit criteria and other additional requirements (e.g., students enrolling in the 2ndyear need 25 credits on their academic career by 10.08.22, a 5-credit bonus is available).

Application Procedure:

Students can apply online through the Student Web Service Area – SpIn by filling in the “application for benefits”. Online application will open on July 26th

Application Deadline:

30th September 2022 students enrolling in the 2nd or the 3rd year.

15th October 2022 for students enrolling in the 1st year.

Apply online || Visit the Official Website


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