Sciences PO Mastercard Foundation Scholarships France 2021-2022

Scholarship Description:

Applications are now open for African students to study in France.  The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Sciences PO, aims to support 126 talented African students through their studies and to offer the next generation of leaders a world-class social science education, so they can go on to become changemakers in their home countries.


Sciences Po, France

Degree level:

For Post-Graduate students

Field of Study:

All Subjects

Scholarship Award: 

Covers full tuition fees at Sciences Po and living costs in France during the study period.



 Eligibility Criteria:

Valid for Students from African countries.

Applicants should have first degree that qualifies them to apply for a graduate course or summer school course at Sciences Po

Applying procedure Instructions:

Scholarships are awarded in collaboration with a network of partner institutions accepting the terms and conditions of the nomination framework.

Over six years (2017 – 2022), the Scholars Program will fund:

20 scholarships to complete the Sciences Po Bachelor of Arts programAfrica specialization.

46 scholarships to complete a Master’s program at one of our seven graduate schools.

60 scholarships reserved for Mastercard Foundation Scholars studying at other partner universities and who would like to attend Sciences Po Summer School.


Application deadlines for the Mastercard Foundation Scholarships for the year 2020-21 are:


Apply for the Scholarship before November 25, 2020

Apply for your master before December 6, 2020

Summer School:

For the Scholarship before January 31, 2021

Apply to the Sciences Po Summer School before February 28, 2021

Apply Now


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