Study in Canada Scholarships EduCanada 2021-2022

Study in Canada Scholarships EduCanada 2021-2022

Study in Canada Scholarships:

The Study in Canada Scholarships program provides students from post-secondary institutions located in the new eligible countries/territories with short-term exchange opportunities for study or research in Canadian post-secondary institutions at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels.

This student exchange program replaces the full-degree-based Study in Canada Scholarships program piloted in 2020. At least 50 scholarships will be awarded in the next competition, with the number increasing each year.


Government of Canada

Degree Level:

Undergraduate  Graduate Masters Ph.D


Subjects related to Science and Technology

Scholarship Benefits:

Funding for Study in Canada Scholarships is made available by Global Affairs Canada through its legal title: the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD).

The Canadian institution will receive funding from DFATD for all successful candidates in the form of a contribution agreement and will be responsible for providing the funds to scholarship recipients.

The scholarship value varies depending on the duration of studies:

  • CAD 10,200  for college, undergraduate or graduate students (Master’s and PhD) for a minimum of four months or one academic term of study or research; or
  • CAD 12,700 for graduate students (Master’s and PhD) for a period of five to six months of study or research.

In addition to the funds allocated to the recipients by DFATD, the Canadian host institution may also claim CAD 500 per scholarship recipient to assist with administrative costs once the scholarship recipient arrives in Canada.


Candidates must be citizens of one of the following eligible countries/territories:

  • Asia: Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan
  • Europe: Turkey, Ukraine
  • Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

Eligibility Criteria:


  • must be enrolled as full-time students at post-secondary institutions in the eligible countries/territories and paying any tuition fees required by these institutions at the time of application and for the full duration of the exchange;
  • who hold Canadian citizenship or permanent residency, or who have a pending application for permanent residency in Canada are not eligible;
  • already participating in an exchange scholarship program funded by the Government of Canada are not eligible; and
  • already enrolled in a program at a Canadian post-secondary institution are not eligible.

Application Procedure:

Roles and responsibilities:


  • interested in this scholarship program should first contact their home institution;
  • must provide a letter of intent explaining the nature of studies or research to be undertaken, the rationale for study in Canada and for the choice of institution, program and supervisor, and how the proposed program of study or research relates to their future career; and
  • do not apply on their own behalf, as all applications are submitted by the Canadian institutions on behalf of the candidates.

Home institutions:

  • are responsible for identifying strong academic candidates who meet the admission requirements of the Canadian partner institution and for providing the candidates’ documents to the Canadian partner institution.

Canadian institutions:

  • must apply on behalf of the candidate(s) by submitting the online application form and uploading all supporting documents prior to the deadline;
  • may submit multiple applications and will be required to rank their applications based on their strategic priorities; and
  • should identify one staff member responsible for the administration of the program.

Canadian institutions are encouraged to carefully read the instructions below before beginning the online application. Further information is available on the International Scholarships Canada Application Tool Help webpage.

If institutions experience difficulty filling out or submitting the form, they should send an email to

Canadian institutions must:

  • Complete an online application for each candidate.
    • Institutions that do not have an account will first need to Register an account.
    • Once the account is created and activated, they will need to log in. Under “For Non-Canadians” section, scroll down to the Study in Canada Scholarships program and click on Apply Now.
  • Enter data in the fields marked mandatory, following instructions for each item, or copy and paste it from another source. Note that:
    • the name of the candidate must be exactly the same as it is on their passport; and
    • the official name of the candidate’s home institution must be provided in their national language.
  • Upload all required supporting documents.
  • Upon completion, verify the data prior to submission.
  • Click SUBMIT to send their form electronically to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD). The institution will receive a confirmation message and reference number once the form is submitted.
  • Print the form for their records using the print function in the browser.

NOTE: Institutions will have the ability to save applications and complete them at a later time. Both saved and submitted applications will appear on the institution’s profile homepage.

Selection process

The following guidelines are followed for the review, assessment and selection of applications:

  • All online applications received by the deadline will be pre-screened to ensure they meet eligibility requirements established for the program.
  • Eligible and complete applications, including the supporting documents, will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
    • merit of the research or study to be undertaken in Canada;
    • benefit to the home institution and peers;
    • benefit to the Canadian institution, supervisor and peers; and
    • strength of linkages to be created through the proposed exchange.
  • The Canadian institution will be required to rank its eligible applications based on its institutional strategic priorities.


Only applications submitted directly by Canadian institutions will be considered.

The scholarship administrator is not able to provide feedback for unsuccessful candidates.

These scholarships are subject to the availability of funding from the Government of Canada.

Application form

Application Deadline:

March 30, 2021


Scholarships Awarding countries

Scholarship in USA
Scholarship in USA
Scholarship in Canada
Scholarship in Canada
Scholarship in UK
Scholarship in UK
Scholarship in China
Scholarship in China
Scholarship in Sweden
Scholarship in Sweden
Scholarship in UAE
Scholarship in UAE
Scholarship in Australia
Scholarship in Australia
Scholarship in Thailand
Scholarship in Thailand
Scholarship in Saudi Arabia
Scholarship in Saudi Arabia
Scholarship in Japan
Scholarship in Japan
Scholarship in Hungary
Scholarship in Hungary
Scholarship in New-Zealand
Scholarship in New-Zealand

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